Familial cold-induced transient diplopia.
(Un cas familial de diplopie transitoire induite par l'exposition au froid)

Luneau K, Blais C, Brodsky M, Boghen D.
Department of Ophthalmology, Centre Hospitalier de l'Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

BACKGROUND: The major precipitants of intermittent diplopia secondary to a phoria breakdown include fatigue and illness.

PURPOSE: To describe cold-induced vertical diplopia in a mother and daughter.

METHODS: Retrospective report.

RESULTS: Mother and daughter both developed vertical diplopia after exposure to cold ambient temperatures. These symptoms remained stable over many years. Ocular motility examination suggested that the diplopia resulted from breakdown of a small vertical phoria.

CONCLUSIONS: Familial cold-induced vertical diplopia is a rare disorder of unclear etiology that need not be associated with underlying systemic disease.

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