Recurrent isolated sixth nerve palsy after consecutive annual influenza vaccinations in a child.
(Un cas de paralysie isolée récurrente de la VIème paire crânienne chez un enfant après vaccination anti grippale)

Leiderman YI, Lessell S, Cestari DM.
Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02114, USA.

SUMMARY: Recurrent sixth nerve palsy in children in the absence of structural or other neurological abnormality is a rare occurrence. We report the case of recurrent isolated sixth (abducens) nerve palsy after consecutive annual influenza vaccinations in an otherwise-healthy 2-year-old boy. Investigations including magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and orbits after each episode failed to reveal any abnormality. The temporal relation to the immunizations supports but does not prove that the influenza immunization regimen was responsible.

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