Vergence position of rest: spontaneous variability.
(Position de repos : variabilité spontanée)

Otto JM, Bach M, Kommerell G.
Universitäts-Augenklinik, Freiburg, Germany.

BACKGROUND: We determined the vergence position of rest (horizontal component) in two sessions, 1 to 6 weeks apart. Each session contained 8 trials. Twenty observers with normal eyes looked through Risley prisms that allowed a continuous modulation of their strength. We asked the observers to look at a fully fusionable picture, and to adjust the prisms such that viewing appeared most relaxing. The viewing distances were 400 cm and 50 cm.

RESULTS: The standard deviation among the 8 trials of each session, averaged over the two sessions, the viewing distances of 400 cm and 50 cm, and the 20 observers, was + or -1.4 prism dioptres (cm/m). From the first session to the second, many observers changed the preferred prism significantly. At a viewing distance of 400 cm, 10 of 20 observers changed their preferred prism by more than 1.0 prism diopter, up to 3.3 prism diopters. At a viewing distance of 50 cm, 11 of 20 observers changed their preferred prism by more than 1.0 prism diopter, up to 5.1 prism diopters.

CONCLUSIONS: The prismatic strength estimated as being most relaxing can be very variable. Before considering a prescription, the practitioner should determine whether the preferred prismatic strength remains reasonably stable. To ascertain this consistency, more than one session seems to be necessary.

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