Diagnosis of vertigo: keep an eye on central eye movement disorders
(Diagnostic du vertige : gardons un oeil sur les déséquilibres oculomoteurs d'origine centrale)

Strupp M, Walther LE, Eckhardt-Henn A, Franko Zeitz P.
Neurologische Klinik und Deutsches Schwindelzentrum, Klinikum der Universität München, Campus Großhadern, München, Deutschland.

With specialist knowledge ophthalmologists can make a valuable contribution to the interdisciplinary work-up of patients with vertigo as the leading symptom. The neuro-ophthalmological examination of eye movements by an ophthalmologist and/or orthoptist is an important contribution because the various vertigo syndromes can only be correctly evaluated by a combined examination of the vestibular and ocular motor systems. If the ophthalmologist is the first doctor to examine a patient suspected disorders from other specialist fields can be indicated, in particular neurology and otorhinolaryngology. When taking the patient history the ophthalmologist should inquire about the type and duration of the vertigo, triggering or modifying factors and accompanying symptoms. This is followed by a systematic examination of the eye position and the different types of eye movements, the head-impulse test and a special examination to check for the presence of nystagmus.

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