Résumé : 3 cas de paralysie congénitale du III sont décrits. Le premier est une double paralysie congénitale avec paraplégie. Le deuxième présente une paralysie totale du III gauche, avec un syndrome de Goldenhar, une hémiplégie et un retard psycho-moteur. Le 3e cas concerne un homme de 47 ans avec paralysie totale du III et lésions cornéennes par forceps. Cet oeil est cependant resté l'oeil directeur posant le problème de la prédétermination de l'oeil directeur.

Mots-Clés : Paralysie congénitale, paralysie du III, amblyopie, syndrome de Goldenhar.

Summary : 3 cases of third cranial nerve total congenital palsy with massive persistence are reported. The first patient is a 2 years girl with double 111 nerve palsy. The second case is a forty-six years man and has this pathology since birth. He uses the affected eye for near vision, and the sound eye for far seeing, with double heatt torticollis, near and far, and manifest latent nustagmus at sound and affected eye. His child developed a congenital esotropia and her scanner showed a cortical atrophy. The third case affects a three years oId girl, examined at birth for a total left palpebral ptosis in relation with an third nerve palsy, extrinsic and intrinsic; she presents now a torticollis, head tilt towards the opposite side of the paresis, and an hyperadduction of the right eye, but she can however use the affected eye in despite of the subtotal ptosis. A light right hemiplegia is present, but the scanner and the I.R.M. are normals. Actually, no chirurgical action on the ptosis is envisaged but only on the divergence.

Key Words : Third nerve palsy, congenital palsy, amblyopia, Goldenhar syndrom

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